Michael Gurian changed my life.
I was mom to two young boys — two young boys I did not understand — when Gurian’s work entered my life. His book The Minds of Boys helped me understand why my boys did things like chase each other atop the living room couches and randomly tackle one another for no apparent reason. He helped me understand male development, which helped me connect with and more effectively parent my sons.
Perhaps most importantly, Michael Gurian’s work taught me that I needed to learn about boys (and the challenges they face in the world) if I wanted to help my sons thrive.
Learning more about boys is the single best investment I’ve made. The time I devoted to learning about boys has saved me so much time and heartache in the long run! We still hit tough spots, but lemme tell you this: the tough spots are a lot easier to handle when you understand what’s going on and what to do about it.
I want you to have all the best “boy knowledge” too. That’s why I write these newsletters, why I record ON BOYS podcast. And that’s why I’m inviting you to join me, Michael Gurian, Warren Farrell (author of The Boy Crisis) and other top “boy experts” at the Helping Boys Thrive virtual summit on Saturday October 8.
Use my ONBOYS promo code to save 50% — $25 for a full day of learning that will change your life and your relationship with your son.
I know life is busy. I know it’s hard to find/take time for yourself. I also know that the information delivered at this summit can make an immediate difference in your life.
Please join us — and please, feel free to share this email (and the ONBOYS promo code) with anyone else you think may benefit from this information. (Your son’s teacher, perhaps?)
I hope to see you there!
Here’s to building boys!